Welcome to Coachella Valley Unified School District
Now Hiring
Apply online today and be on your way to begin your career at Coachella Valley Unified School District. Current job openings can be found online at www.edjoin.org/CoachellaValleyUSD. For more information, please call 760-848-1083.
Safe Return to School
We understand learning will look different, and our goal is to provide a place for you to access current information. The content we have made available will help you understand the safe return to school. We thank you for your ongoing support as we find ways to serve all our students best!
Report Bullying & Important Information
Student links too
Canvas / Clever
Google Classroom,
Report Bullying
Student IT support
LCAP and other District Plans
Imagine being able to provide input and help influence CVUSD’s educational priorities and budgetary spending. That’s what the LCAP process does.
Get involved and let your voice be heard.
Legal Notices
Report Bullying
Suicide Prevention
ParentSquare is a safe and secure communication
The two-way group messaging, private conversations, district-wide alerts and notices, and simple user interface keep everyone connected
What's Happening
By the Numbers
English Language Learners
Free/Reduced Lunch
Elementary Schools
Middle Schools
High Schools