CVUSD Throughout the Years
Students participate in the Safe Routes to School event that aims to teach pedestrian safety to our students and community
7th and 8th grade Toro Canyon Middle School students participated in the student of the month recognition of academic success.
La Familia High School Volleyball team is having an undefeated season
Desert Mirage Seniors Attend College and Career Day
Desert Mirage High School seniors decorate the senior quad for the start of the school year.
Over 135 parents along with their children were in attendance as the Sea View Elementary principal introduced himself to the community.
Peter Pendleton Elementary students & parents are greeted by staff on their first day of school.
Coachella Valley High School boys and girls golf teams received 19 sets of brand new Wilson Golf clubs from the Southern California PGA.

Meals provided for children and teens 18 and younger

Coral Mountain Academy holds annual students vs teachers basketball game

Valle Del Sol held its first ever Walk-A-Thon and it was a huge success!

Mecca Elementary School students get to know their community

John Kelley Elementary School students and staff wore blue to show their support for Autism Awareness. The theme was, “My School Lights It Up Blue for Autism Awareness!”

The Coachella Valley High School baseball team played in the 56th annual Rotary Baseball Tournament over Spring break.

CVHS and DMHS Students had the amazing opportunity to meet with U.S. Ambassador & Editor Caroline Kennedy.

Palm View Elementary School held the Perfect Attendance Assembly for the month of February.

BDMS attended the annual 8th grade transition field trip hosted by Coachella Valley High School.

Mecca Elementary School ASES ballet Folklorico dancers perform for Read With Me Volunteers.

Students are given the opportunity to learn from the career and technical education academies the programs and pathways that are available to them.

John Kelley Elementary School students learn the importance of safety with the local Riverside County Fire Department.

Student success is celebrated at West Shores High School.

Students attend the 13th Annual Charles & Priscilla Porter Academic World Quest competition.

Congratulations to Josue Hernandez (champion) and Oswaldo Sanchez (runner-up), as well as the rest of the Spelling Bee competitors, for their participation in our school's Spelling Bee event.

Back from Winter Break, Westside jumped right into learning.

Students with perfect attendance were entered into a raffle, and four students walked away with a brand new bicycle for being present every single day of this school year thus far.

Valle Del Sol hosts a robotics competition and Sphero races in celebration of Hour of Code. The Hour of Code is a global movement reaching tens of millions of students in 180+ countries.

Coral Mountain Academy held a reading workshop that focused on fluency for our 2nd Grade students. Parents were given resources and tips on how they can provide support at home.

CVHS Concert Choir performed at the City of Coachella Tree Lighting Ceremony

Our college readiness recruitment began with 4th grade visiting the University of Redlands. It was an enjoyable and engaging experience

The Christmas Tree is signaling all superheroes to join Coachella for a Comic-Con Holiday Parade!

Manny Ridge was the surprise of the football season around the valley, becoming the first local tailback to break the 2,000-yard mark since 2014.

The Hour of Code is rapidly approaching! Computer Science Week is December 4th - 10th

Saul Martinez birthday celebration with the Martinez family and Buddy Bench donation.

Westside elementary had a Pie with the principal event to inform parents and the community about PBIS. There were also ASES student performances.

Science night at Oasis Elementary School for the whole family

Students complete an engineering project that uses their knowledge of the human body to create functional robotic hands

Career Exploration teacher from Bobby Duke Middle School, takes 42 girls to the 4th Annual Rae of Hope event

Teachers receive training on newly adopted curriculum
Westside Elementary School community gets together to help those affected by the recent hurricanes in Florida and Texas with a donation
FIND Food provides all 583 students the opportunity to bring home a bag of fresh fruits and vegetables every month.

Workshop on utilizing state and federal funding to support student learning

Parents and students got the opportunity to visit classrooms and to see first-hand the learning environment that is created for their students.
A family of seven celebrate receiving their American Citizenship in the Coachella Valley Adult School Citizenship Preparation Program

Students at Mecca Elementary School had the opportunity to participate in running for a student council position.
- Mecca Elementary School
- Student Life

Principal Michael Williams read to students at Las Palmitas during the "Read Like a Pirate" day.
- Las Palmitas Elementary School
- Student Learning

On Monday, September 18th, John Kelley students represented the school's student body as they presented the American Red Cross with $556.00 dollar donation.
- John Kelley Elementary School
- Student Community Involvement