
Based on the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), which was passed in 2013, California has a new accountability system that is based on multiple measures. These measures are used to determine local educational agency (LEA) and school progress toward meeting the needs of their students. The measures are based on factors that contribute to a quality education, including high school graduation rates, college/career readiness, student test scores, English learner (EL) progress, suspension rates, and parent engagement. To learn more, visit the CDE's California Accountability Model & School Dashboard Homepage.

  • California School Dashboard Video - A video that provides an overview of the California's multiple measures accountability system. It describes the measures in the Dashboard report and how statewide data are used to determine the performance colors.


  • Technical Guide to the California School Dashboard - This guide provides technical information on California’s new accountability system, specifically in regards to the state indicators reported in the California School Dashboard (Dashboard). The guide is intended for accountability coordinators at local educational agencies (LEAs) to access the calculation methodology and rules used to produce each of the state indicators.



The California School Dashboard shows how districts and schools are performing on test scores, graduation rates and other measures of student success.

California Model 5x5 Grid Placement ReportsCalifornia's new accountability and continuous improvement system is based on a five-by-five colored table that produces 25 results using five colors. The reports display the schools' (by district) and student groups' placement on the five-by-five colored tables.

DataQuest is the CDE's web-based data reporting system for public access to a wide variety of reports, including school performance, test results, graduation and dropout, and student misconduct data. To learn more, visit the CDE's DataQuest Homepage.


CVUSD Internal Data ReportsThese are Coachella Valley USD created reports. To access the reports, you will need to use your district login credentials.

Select this button to access the reports available for CAASPP assessments at the state, county, school district, and school levels for "all students" and disaggregated for subgroups of students on the basis of disability, status, economic status, language fluency, ethnicity and many more.

The Education Data Partnership has created the Ed-Data website to offer educators, policymakers, the Legislature, parents, and the public quick access to timely and comprehensive data about K-12 education in California.