School District
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is the difference between Head Start and Preschool?
- The only difference between Head Start and Preschool is the funding source and the requirements to qualify for each program. Head Start and Preschool have different income qualifying ranges, so eligibility for either program will be based on the family’s household income.
- The only difference between Head Start and Preschool is the funding source and the requirements to qualify for each program. Head Start and Preschool have different income qualifying ranges, so eligibility for either program will be based on the family’s household income.
- What age does my child have to be to enroll in Head Start or Preschool?
- A child is eligible for either program when he/she turns 3.
- A child is eligible for either program when he/she turns 3.
- Does my child have to be potty trained?
- Children do NOT have to be potty trained to attend either program.
- Children do NOT have to be potty trained to attend either program.
- What is the teacher/staff-to-child ratio in each classroom?
- There is one teacher/staff for every 8 children.
- There is one teacher/staff for every 8 children.
- How many children are in each classroom?
- The class sizes can range between 16-18 children.
- The class sizes can range between 16-18 children.
- Do I have to pay for Head Start or Preschool?
- Head Start is free to those who qualify. Beginning September 1st, 2023, Preschool will be charging a family fee that is based on the family household income.
- Head Start is free to those who qualify. Beginning September 1st, 2023, Preschool will be charging a family fee that is based on the family household income.
- Can I volunteer in my child’s classroom?
- Parents are welcome and encouraged to volunteer in the classroom. See your child’s teacher for information on the process of volunteering.
- Parents are welcome and encouraged to volunteer in the classroom. See your child’s teacher for information on the process of volunteering.
- My child is eligible for TK. Can I keep them in Head Start or Preschool instead of attending TK?
- Yes, if your child is age-eligible for TK, you can send your child to TK, Head Start, or Preschool.
Preguntas más frecuentes
1. ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre Head Start y Preescolar?
- La única diferencia entre Head Start y Preescolar es la fuente de financiamiento y los requisitos para calificar para cada programa. Head Start y Preescolar tienen diferentes rangos de ingresos para calificar, por lo que la elegibilidad para cualquiera de los dos programas se basará en los ingresos familiares de la familia.
2. ¿Qué edad debe tener mi hijo para inscribirse en Head Start o Preescolar?
- Un niño es elegible para cualquiera de los dos programas cuando cumple 3 años.
3. ¿Mi hijo tiene que haber aprendido a ir al baño?
- Los niños NO tienen que estar entrenados para ir al baño para asistir a cualquiera de los dos programas.
4. ¿Cuál es la proporción de profesores/personal por niño en cada aula?
- Hay un profesor/personal por cada 8 niños.
5. ¿Cuántos niños hay en cada aula?
- El tamaño de las clases puede oscilar entre 16 y 18 niños.
6. ¿Tengo que pagar por Head Start o Preescolar?
- Head Start es gratis para los que califican. Comenzando el 1 de septiembre de 2023, el Preescolar cobrará una cuota familiar que se basa en el ingreso familiar.
7. ¿Puedo ser voluntario en el salón de mi hijo?
- Los padres son bienvenidos y animados a ser voluntarios en el salón de clases. Vea a la maestra de su niño para información sobre el proceso de ser voluntario.
8. Mi niño es elegible para TK. ¿Puedo mantenerlo en Head Start o Preescolar en vez de asistir a TK?
- Sí, si su niño es elegible para TK, usted puede enviar a su niño a TK, Head Start, o Preescolar.