Multilingual Services - Coachella Valley Unified School District

Multilingual Services


ELS Department Logo

Welcome to our English Learner Services Department where our overarching goal is to provide all EL students with quality instruction to ensure that they are equipped with the skills to succeed in college, career, and as global citizens.

We hope to encourage and facilitate parental involvement, student reclassification, and create cultural awareness for our future leaders, career, and citizenship.

The EL Services Department is continuously developing professional trainings to assist all TK-12 teachers with developing language standards to work in tandem with content standard mastery by grade level. Our work in ELD and all curricular areas involves the use of scaffolding content to make it accessible for all EL students. CVUSD teachers use the following strategies to support all English Learners: Language Objectives, Thinking Maps, GLAD/SDAIE strategies, sentence frames, and primary language support when appropriate to support language development.

As you navigate our new English Learner Services webpage, you will find resources that will aid our parents, teachers, and staff; as well as develop a better understanding on how to support our growing English Language student population.

English Learner Services Newsletters