Programs and Services
Coachella Valley Unified School District is home to over 2,000 migrant families. The CVUSD Migrant Education Program is designed to strengthen the school, community, and family experiences of migrant students and their families. CVUSD Migrant Education Program focuses on meeting the specific needs of students, such as the identification and recruitment of migrant families, parent involvement, and student leadership and academic success. To do this, the CVUSD Migrant Education Program has established the following support services:
- A Migrant Education Program Teacher on Special Assignment (MEP TOSA) to oversee the programs and services for all sites including the Migrant After School program. Our intervention after school program includes both designated and integrated ELD supports for all Migrant EL students
- Migrant Outreach Teachers (MOTs) to guide and assure that all Priority for Service (PFS) students in grades 9-12 meet graduation requirements, and academic support will be provided as needed. The Migrant Outreach Teachers also communicate with parents to guide and assure that their children meet A-G high school graduation requirements. Migrant Outreach Teachers provide services to Priority For Service (PFS) students at the secondary levels.
- Mini-Corp tutors work with PFS students to ensure students are engaged in learning and supported in their language needs throughout core courses in order to meet graduation requirements. Mini-Corp tutors share data and observations with our Migrant team MOT/MEP to provide insight to parents/guardians about students’ performance and progress.
- CVUSD Migrant Summer Services
- Migrant Summer Paint Night
- Migrant Bookmobile - Summer Services
- Migrant Family Math Nights
- Migrant After School Program / Programa después de escuela para estudiantes Migrantes
- Migrant Bookmobile