Reclassification Criteria & Process
Coachella Valley Unified School District has established English learner student reclassification criteria following California policy and State Board of Education guidelines. Students initially identified as English Learners (ELs) are reclassified to fluent English proficient when they meet the following criteria:
- Overall Summative ELPAC Proficiency Level of 4
- Report card grades
- Parent consultation and support
- Comparison of student performance in basic skills relative to the performance of English proficient students of the same age
Each year, eligible English learners are identified to be reviewed for reclassification. Students who are being considered for reclassification are evaluated by teachers on their performance in English Language Arts (ELA). Then, the parent/guardian(s) of the eligible student is consulted for their input and opinion about their child’s pending reclassification. The student must receive teacher recommendation based on ELA report card grades and parent agreement to reclassify as fluent English proficient (RFEP).
Once students reach RFEP status, they no longer need to participate in designated ELD, annual ELPAC testing, or other English learner services. School sites along with the English Learner Services Department will closely monitor RFEP students’ academic progress for four years. Interventions and supports will be recommended and implemented for students failing to meet academic achievement goals.
Reclassification Resources
- Reclassification Criteria
- Reclassification Flow Chart
- Guide for Reclassification & Monitoring
- Annual Parent Notification Letter
- Reclassification Forms
- RFEP Monitoring
- Students with IEP