Special Education Programs
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Title I(B)(612)(a)(5)(A) Least Restrictive Environment provision requires the Coachella Valley Unified School District to offer a continuum of services to meet the individual needs of students with disabilities. The IEP team must review the continuum of services offered and identify the placement that best meets the needs of the student. The Coachella Valley Unified School District offers the following continuum of services:
General Education
- General education classroom
- General education classroom with supplemental aides and services
- General education classroom with related services
- General education classroom with consultation and/or collaboration with special education staff
- General education classroom with Specialized Academic Instruction delivered in-class (push-in services)
- General education classroom with Specialized Academic Instruction in a separate class (pull-out services)
Special Day Class (Preschool through 12th grade) Mild/Moderate Disabilities
- Separate classroom with Specialized Academic Instruction for the majority of the school day
- Access to modified general education curriculum aligned to Common Core State Standards
Special Day Class (Preschool through 12th grade) Moderate/Severe Disabilities
- Separate classroom with Specialized Academic Instruction for the majority of the school day utilizing alternate curriculum standards
- Access to an alternate curriculum aligned to Common Core State Standards
Adult Transition Program (Ages 18 - 22)
- Vocational training in the community
- Independent Living Skills
- Career Awareness
- Work-based Learning Experience
- Job Coaching
State Special School Referral
- An IEP team may recommend placement in a State special school if there is no other appropriate placement within the Riverside County SELPA
Non-Public School
- Qualified students may receive educational services in a non-public school setting if neither the serving school district or county office of education can
provide an appropriate program.
Alternate Education
- Alternate education programs include community school, juvenile court schools, independent study, home instruction, and hospital setting
Home and Hospital
- Special education services provided to eligible students in a home teaching program or hospital setting
- Consideration for home and hospital instruction must include a medical report from an attending physician or a report from a psychologist stating the
diagnosed condition and certifying that the severity of the condition prevents the student from attending a less restrictive environment.
- Home and hospital instruction is a temporary placement typically lasting a minimum of three weeks and a maximum of 18 weeks.
Instruction in a Non-classroom Setting
- A special education program option for students ages 18 - 22 with severe disabilities continuing their public school education in a non-classroom setting