Transfer Request | Solicitar Translado

  2023-2024 Transfers / Traslados


 Coachella Valley Unified School District Office of Student Support Services is currently receiving transfer requests for the 2023-2024 school year starting June 1, 2023. If you live within or outside of the boundaries of Coachella Valley Unified School District, you must request a transfer online for your student. Transfer window will be available at all times. Although, transfers submitted will only be reviewed at set dates throughout the year.


 El Distrito Escolar Unificado del Valle Coachella - Oficina de Bienestar y Asistencia Estudiantil esta actualmente recibiendo solicitudes de traslados para el año escolar 2023-2024 apartir del 1 de Junio de 2023.  Si vive dentro o fuera de los límites del Distrito Escolar Unificado del Valle Coachella, deberá solicitar una transferencia en línea para su estudiante. Los traslados se pueden someter en cualquier tiempo durante el año escolar. Por favor, tome en cuenta que se van a revisar solamente en ciertas fechas durante el año.


Inter-District Attendance Permit

Transferring from one district to another

An Inter-District Attendance permit is valid only during the school year for which it is issued, while conditions stated are maintained, and as long as the student's attendance, citizenship and scholarship are satisfactory to the district of attendance. A permit may be revoked for cause at any time. False or misleading information may be cause for denial or revocation. Approval is subject to space availability in the district and may not be at the site requested.

Transportation is the responsibility of the parent/guardian.

Inter-District Procedures

Please Note: The online transfers only apply to and from Coachella Valley Unified School District, Desert Sands Unified School District & Palm Springs Unified School District. Transfers to other districts require that you apply in person.


If the transfer request is denied, you have the right to appeal this decision to the Riverside County Office of Education Board of Directors within 30 calendar days following the date of the final denial. You must visit their website to submit an appeal at: and follow the directions outlined on this web-page. Should you need assistance with this process, please contact the Riverside County Board of Education directly by e-mail at or by phone at 951-826-7389.  Decisions made by the Riverside County Board of Education will be final. 

Intra-District Attendance Permit

Transferring from one school site to another

Intra-District transfer requests are approved according to space availability at each school site. Enrollment Caps are established annually by the Governing Board of the Coachella Valley Unified School District. Students residing within the attendance area shall have first priority for enrollment. If an intra-district transfer is approved, and student wishes to return to their school of residence they must reapply without priority. The approved applicant does not have to reapply unless they wish to transfer to a different school or return back to their school of residence.

Transportation is the responsibility of the parent/guardian.

Intra-District Procedures