Peer Assistance & Review (PAR)
The PAR model adopted by the Coachella Valley Unified School District is a product of negotiation with the Coachella Valley Teachers Association (CVTA) and explicitly follows the guidelines provided in the California Education Code. PAR support providers are skilled, experienced teachers who receive training and guidance in supporting teachers who either self-refer to the program, or who are referred as a result of the certificated evaluation process. The process of providing support is monitored by the District’s PAR Council made up jointly of Administrators and CVTA members.
Beginning Teacher Support & Assessment (BTSA)
Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment follows a similar model of service and support as PAR but is largely the purview of the Teacher Support Center at the Riverside County Office of Education. For teachers, BTSA is the means by which preliminary teaching credentials are cleared in California. An inquiry-based curriculum, called the Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT), is required of participants holding preliminary teaching credentials. The development of the curriculum is research based and monitored in partnership with the Riverside County Office of Education and the University of California at Riverside. The process of completing the FACT program is referred to as “induction” and addresses the Standards for the California Teaching Profession.
A BTSA district liaison functions as a liaison between the County and the District to implement and monitor BTSA participants in the program for progress and support.